Peer reviewed
Leigh D.M., Vandergast A., Crandall E., Funk W.C., Garroway C. J., Hoban S., Oyler-McCance S., Rellstab C., Segelbacher G., Schmidt C., Vázquez-Domínguez E., Hunter M. E., Paz-Vinas I. (2024) Best practices for genetic and genomic data archiving. Nature Ecology and Evolution.
Popović M, Nuskern L, Peranić K, Vuković R, Katanić Z, Krstin L., Ćurković-Perica M, Leigh DM, Poljak I, Idžojtić M, Rigling D, Ježić M (2023) Physiological variations in hypovirus-infected wild and model longterm laboratory strains of Cryphonectria parasitica. Frontiers in Microbiology.
Schmid M.W., Moradi A., Leigh D.M., Schuman M.C., van Moorsel S.J. Covering the bases: Population structure if Lemna minor and the cryptic species L. japonica in Switzerland (Ecology and Evolution)
Leigh DM†, Kersten O†, Star B, Anker-Nilssen T, Burnham K, Johnson J, Provencher J, Boessenkool S (2022) Sympatry of genetically distinct puffins in the High Arctic. Ibis. doi: 10.1111/ibi.13153 †joint first
Jensen E, Leigh DM (2022) Using temporal samples to understand contemporary climate change responses in wildlife. Ecology and Evolution.
Leigh DM, Peranić K, Prospero S, Cornejo C, Ćurković-Perica M, Kupper Q, Nuskern L, Rigling D, Jezic M (2021) Long read sequencing reveals the evolutionary drivers of intra-host diversity across natural RNA mycovirus infections. Virus Evolution. 7(2) veab101
Minter M, Nielsen E, Blyth C, Bertola D, Kantar M, Moralex HE, Orland C, Segelbacher G, Leigh DM (2021) What is genetic diversity and why does it matter? Frontiers for Young Minds 9:656168.
Leigh DM*, Van Rees CB*, Millette KL*, Breed MF, Schmidt C, Bertola LD, Hand BK, Hunter ME, Jensen EL, Kershaw F, Liggins L, Luikart G, Manel S, Mergeay J, Miller JM, Segelbacher G, Hoban S, Paz-Vinas I (2021) Opportunities and challenges of macrogenetic studies. Nature Reviews Genetics. *joint first
Leigh DM, Lischer HEL, Guillaume F, Grossen C, Günther T. (2021) Disentangling adaptation from drift in bottlenecked and reintroduced populations of Alpine ibex. Molecular Ecology Resources. 21:2350-2363
Kersten O, Star B, Leigh DM, Anker-Nilssen T, Strøm H, Kleven O, Irestedt M, Descamps S, Hansen ES, Fort J, Daunt F, Danielsen J, Erikstad KE, Jakobsen KS, Boessenkool S (2021) Whole genome analyses reveal unexpected barriers and isolation by distance in the Atlantic puffin. Communications Biology. 4:922
Paz-Vinas I, Jensen EL, Bertola LD, Breed MF, Hand BK, Hunter ME, Kershaw F, Leigh DM, Luikart G, Mergeay J, Miller JM, Van Rees CB, Segelbacher G, Hoban S (2021) Macro-genetic studies must not ignore limitations of genetic markers and scale. Ecology Letters.
Kessler C, Brambilla A., Waldvogel D, Camenisch G, Biebach I, Leigh DM, Grossen C, Croll D, (2022) A robust sequencing assay of a thousand amplicons for the high-throughput population monitoring of Alpine ibex immunogenetics. Molecular Ecology Resources. 22:66-85
Leigh DM, Schefer C, Cornejo C (2020) Determining the Suitability of MinION’s Direct RNA and DNA Amplicon Sequencing for Viral Subtype Identification. Viruses. 12:801
Lead Authors: Brauman KA, Garibaldi LA, Polasky S, Zayas C, Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y, Brancalion P, DeClerck F, Mastrangelo M, Nkongolo N, Palang H, Shannon L, Shrestha UB, Verma M. Contributing Authors: Adams C, Andersson GKS, Arkema K, Babai D, Brett B, Munari LC, Chaplin-Kramer R, Cooper D, De Meester L, Dee L, Faith D, Friesen V, Golden C, Guillemot J, Gurr G, Heinimann A, Hendry A, Horgan F, Jacob U, Karp D, Khan A, Krug C, Labeyrie V, Lauer M, Leigh DM, Meli P, Mirus B, Molnár Z, Mueller N, Muhaimeed AS, Niamir A, O´Rourke M, Mendez NP, Purvis A, Price O, Romanelli C, Salpeteur M, Seufert V, Samakov, Strombom E. (2019).
Chapter 2.3. Status and Trends – Nature’s Contributions to People (NCP). In: Global assessment report of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Brondízio ES, Settele J, Díaz S, Ngo HT. (eds). IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3832035
Colston-Nepali L, Leigh DM (2019) Ligers and tigons and grolars, oh my! Hybridization, and how it affects biodiversity. Frontiers for Young Minds. 7:113. doi: 10.3389/frym.2019.00113
Birchard K, Leigh DM (2019) The importance of keeping time with our internal clocks. Frontiers for Young Minds. 7:72
Leigh DM, Hendry A, Vazquez E, Friesen V (2019) Estimated six percent loss of genetic variation in wild populations since the industrial revolution. Evolutionary Applications. 12:1505-1512
Leigh DM, Lischer HEL, Grossen C, and Keller LF. (2018) Batch effects in a multi-year sequencing study: False biological trends due to changes in read lengths. Molecular ecology resources. 18(4):788-788
Biebach I, Leigh DM, Sluzek K, and Keller LF. (2016) Genetic Issues in Reintroduction. In: Reintroduction of Fish and Wildlife populations. USA: UC Press
Leigh DM, and Smallegange I. (2014) Effects of variation in nutrition on male morph development in the bulb mite Rhizoglyphus robini. Experimental and Applied Acarology. 64(2):159-170
Maenpaa M, Andrews C, Collette D, Leigh DM, and Smiseth P. (2014) Burying Beetle Larvae Discriminate Between Individual Parents and Between Some Classes of Adults. Ethology. 121:395-402
Leigh DM, and Smiseth PT. (2012) Parent–Offspring Conflict over the Transition to Independence in Nicrophorus vespilloides: Parental Chemical Cues and Offspring Begging. Ethology. 118(5):460-465
Popović M, Nuskern L, Peranić K, Vuković R, Katanić Z, Krstin L., Ćurković-Perica M, Leigh DM, Poljak I, Idžojtić M, Rigling D, Ježić M (2023) Physiological variations in hypovirus-infected wild and model longterm laboratory strains of Cryphonectria parasitica. Frontiers in Microbiology.
Schmid M.W., Moradi A., Leigh D.M., Schuman M.C., van Moorsel S.J. Covering the bases: Population structure if Lemna minor and the cryptic species L. japonica in Switzerland (Ecology and Evolution)
Leigh DM†, Kersten O†, Star B, Anker-Nilssen T, Burnham K, Johnson J, Provencher J, Boessenkool S (2022) Sympatry of genetically distinct puffins in the High Arctic. Ibis. doi: 10.1111/ibi.13153 †joint first
Jensen E, Leigh DM (2022) Using temporal samples to understand contemporary climate change responses in wildlife. Ecology and Evolution.
Leigh DM, Peranić K, Prospero S, Cornejo C, Ćurković-Perica M, Kupper Q, Nuskern L, Rigling D, Jezic M (2021) Long read sequencing reveals the evolutionary drivers of intra-host diversity across natural RNA mycovirus infections. Virus Evolution. 7(2) veab101
Minter M, Nielsen E, Blyth C, Bertola D, Kantar M, Moralex HE, Orland C, Segelbacher G, Leigh DM (2021) What is genetic diversity and why does it matter? Frontiers for Young Minds 9:656168.
Leigh DM*, Van Rees CB*, Millette KL*, Breed MF, Schmidt C, Bertola LD, Hand BK, Hunter ME, Jensen EL, Kershaw F, Liggins L, Luikart G, Manel S, Mergeay J, Miller JM, Segelbacher G, Hoban S, Paz-Vinas I (2021) Opportunities and challenges of macrogenetic studies. Nature Reviews Genetics. *joint first
Leigh DM, Lischer HEL, Guillaume F, Grossen C, Günther T. (2021) Disentangling adaptation from drift in bottlenecked and reintroduced populations of Alpine ibex. Molecular Ecology Resources. 21:2350-2363
Kersten O, Star B, Leigh DM, Anker-Nilssen T, Strøm H, Kleven O, Irestedt M, Descamps S, Hansen ES, Fort J, Daunt F, Danielsen J, Erikstad KE, Jakobsen KS, Boessenkool S (2021) Whole genome analyses reveal unexpected barriers and isolation by distance in the Atlantic puffin. Communications Biology. 4:922
Paz-Vinas I, Jensen EL, Bertola LD, Breed MF, Hand BK, Hunter ME, Kershaw F, Leigh DM, Luikart G, Mergeay J, Miller JM, Van Rees CB, Segelbacher G, Hoban S (2021) Macro-genetic studies must not ignore limitations of genetic markers and scale. Ecology Letters.
Kessler C, Brambilla A., Waldvogel D, Camenisch G, Biebach I, Leigh DM, Grossen C, Croll D, (2022) A robust sequencing assay of a thousand amplicons for the high-throughput population monitoring of Alpine ibex immunogenetics. Molecular Ecology Resources. 22:66-85
Leigh DM, Schefer C, Cornejo C (2020) Determining the Suitability of MinION’s Direct RNA and DNA Amplicon Sequencing for Viral Subtype Identification. Viruses. 12:801
Lead Authors: Brauman KA, Garibaldi LA, Polasky S, Zayas C, Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y, Brancalion P, DeClerck F, Mastrangelo M, Nkongolo N, Palang H, Shannon L, Shrestha UB, Verma M. Contributing Authors: Adams C, Andersson GKS, Arkema K, Babai D, Brett B, Munari LC, Chaplin-Kramer R, Cooper D, De Meester L, Dee L, Faith D, Friesen V, Golden C, Guillemot J, Gurr G, Heinimann A, Hendry A, Horgan F, Jacob U, Karp D, Khan A, Krug C, Labeyrie V, Lauer M, Leigh DM, Meli P, Mirus B, Molnár Z, Mueller N, Muhaimeed AS, Niamir A, O´Rourke M, Mendez NP, Purvis A, Price O, Romanelli C, Salpeteur M, Seufert V, Samakov, Strombom E. (2019).
Chapter 2.3. Status and Trends – Nature’s Contributions to People (NCP). In: Global assessment report of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Brondízio ES, Settele J, Díaz S, Ngo HT. (eds). IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3832035
Colston-Nepali L, Leigh DM (2019) Ligers and tigons and grolars, oh my! Hybridization, and how it affects biodiversity. Frontiers for Young Minds. 7:113. doi: 10.3389/frym.2019.00113
Birchard K, Leigh DM (2019) The importance of keeping time with our internal clocks. Frontiers for Young Minds. 7:72
Leigh DM, Hendry A, Vazquez E, Friesen V (2019) Estimated six percent loss of genetic variation in wild populations since the industrial revolution. Evolutionary Applications. 12:1505-1512
Leigh DM, Lischer HEL, Grossen C, and Keller LF. (2018) Batch effects in a multi-year sequencing study: False biological trends due to changes in read lengths. Molecular ecology resources. 18(4):788-788
Biebach I, Leigh DM, Sluzek K, and Keller LF. (2016) Genetic Issues in Reintroduction. In: Reintroduction of Fish and Wildlife populations. USA: UC Press
Leigh DM, and Smallegange I. (2014) Effects of variation in nutrition on male morph development in the bulb mite Rhizoglyphus robini. Experimental and Applied Acarology. 64(2):159-170
Maenpaa M, Andrews C, Collette D, Leigh DM, and Smiseth P. (2014) Burying Beetle Larvae Discriminate Between Individual Parents and Between Some Classes of Adults. Ethology. 121:395-402
Leigh DM, and Smiseth PT. (2012) Parent–Offspring Conflict over the Transition to Independence in Nicrophorus vespilloides: Parental Chemical Cues and Offspring Begging. Ethology. 118(5):460-465
Schmidt C., Karachaliou E., Vandergast A. G., Crandall E.D., Falgout J., Hunter M.E., Kershaw F., Leigh D., O’Brien D., Vinas I-P., Segelbacher G., Garrowat C. J. The global protected area network does not harbor genetically diverse populations.
Paz-Vinas* I., Vandergast* A. G., Schmidt C. , Leigh D. M., Blanchet B., Clark R. D., Crandall E. D., De Kort H., Falgout J.,. Garroway C. J, Karachaliou E., Kershaw F., O’Brien D., Pinsky M. L., Segelbacher G., Hunter M. E.. Uneven Genetic Data Limits Biodiversity Assessments In Protected Areas Globally.
Schuman M. C., Röösli C., Mastretta-Yanes A., Helfenstein I. S., Vernesi C., Selmoni O., Millette K., Tobón-Niedfeldt, Albergel C., Leigh D., Hebden S., Schaepman M E, Laikre L., Asrar G. R. Genes from Space: Leveraging Earth Observation Satellites to Monitor Genetic Diversity. (Submitted Global Change Biology)
Paz-Vinas* I., Vandergast* A. G., Schmidt C. , Leigh D. M., Blanchet B., Clark R. D., Crandall E. D., De Kort H., Falgout J.,. Garroway C. J, Karachaliou E., Kershaw F., O’Brien D., Pinsky M. L., Segelbacher G., Hunter M. E.. Uneven Genetic Data Limits Biodiversity Assessments In Protected Areas Globally.
Schuman M. C., Röösli C., Mastretta-Yanes A., Helfenstein I. S., Vernesi C., Selmoni O., Millette K., Tobón-Niedfeldt, Albergel C., Leigh D., Hebden S., Schaepman M E, Laikre L., Asrar G. R. Genes from Space: Leveraging Earth Observation Satellites to Monitor Genetic Diversity. (Submitted Global Change Biology)
In prep
The IUCN SSC for Conservation Genetics Specialist Group (In prep) . A framework for identifying and including ESU in the IUCN REDlist.
Prospero S, Leigh DM, Ćurković-Perica M, Jezic M, Rigling D (In prep) Host genotype frequency impacts the speed and success of Chestnut blight biocontrol. Prepared for Molecular Ecology.
O Brien D. et al. (In prep) Incorporating genetic diversity would strengthen the proposed European Nature Restoration Law
Prospero S, Leigh DM, Ćurković-Perica M, Jezic M, Rigling D (In prep) Host genotype frequency impacts the speed and success of Chestnut blight biocontrol. Prepared for Molecular Ecology.
O Brien D. et al. (In prep) Incorporating genetic diversity would strengthen the proposed European Nature Restoration Law